Interested in working with us?
graduate students
I am often searching for motivated graduate students to join our team. Candidates with a wide range of academic backgrounds will be considered given the interdisciplinary nature of our research; however, a strong analytical background is expected. Please note that students without a civil engineering degree will likely be required to take additional coursework, some of which may need to be taken before joining my group. The most successful students in my group are passionate about investigating human-water systems, eager to work hard, insatiably curious, and self-motivated.
If you are considering attending Virginia Tech for graduate school, you can learn more about our graduate program and how to apply here. Please indicate on your application that you are interested in working with me. You are encouraged to apply for fellowships, such as those from the National Science Foundation (for domestic students) or Fulbright Program (for international students). While I aim to financially support students in my lab, external fellowships will grant you greater freedom in creating a project that is in line with your personal interests. External funding opportunities can be found here and here, while internal (VT) funding opportunities can be found here and here.
If you would like to learn more about my research group and open positions in my lab, please email me and be sure to include the following information: i) your motivation for attending graduate school, ii) what you hope to accomplish while enrolled, iii) your research interests, iv) why you are interested in working with me, and v) a little about who you are as a person. Please attach your CV, including your academic credentials and TOEFL/IELTS scores (for international students).
undergraduate students
Training as an undergraduate research assistant is a great way to gain research experience, develop new skills, earn money/course credit, and enhance your graduate school application. Undergraduate students working in my lab may help with critical research tasks, such as data collection and entry, data analysis, mathematical modeling, geospatial analysis, and literature review. If you would like to discuss joining my lab, please send me an email with your resume and your motivation for joining my research group.
If you are looking to extend your training and lay the foundation for a successful research career, I would be excited to help you! While I occasionally have funding support for postdoctoral fellows, there are other ways to support your training. If you are looking for financial support for your postdoctoral studies, I have listed a few good sources below. I am happy to discuss project ideas if you would like to join me at Virginia Tech for your postdoctoral training. If you would like to discuss joining my lab, please send me an email with your CV, your motivation for joining my research group, and your potential funding support.
- NSF Earth Sciences postdoctoral fellowship (EAR-PF)
- NSF eFellows
- Virginia Tech Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowships
- David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship
- Ford Foundation Fellowships
- USDA Postdoctoral Fellowship
- L’Oréal USA For Women in Science
- AAUW International Fellowships
- NOAA Climate & Global Change (C&GC) Postdoctoral Program
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship (EU citizens only)
visiting scientists
Our research is very collaborative, and we work with scientists from a variety of disciplines. If you would like to work with us at Virginia Tech’s beautiful campus, please email me. We will be happy to help you make arrangements, whether your stay is for a few weeks or a year.
Virginia Tech and Blacksburg
Virginia Tech is a public land-grant university, committed to teaching and learning, research, and outreach to the Commonwealth of Virginia, the nation, and the world. Building on its motto of Ut Prosim (that I may serve), Virginia Tech is dedicated to InclusiveVT—serving in the spirit of community, diversity, and excellence. With more than 33,000 full-time students, we have a 14:1 student to faculty ratio. Our main campus consists of more than 213 buildings, 2,600 acres, and an airport. Virginia Tech is ranked 44th in university research in the United States. You can take a virtual tour of the university here.
The Charles E. Via, Jr. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering is a top-ten civil engineering program in the United States. Our diverse faculty and research provide students unique and extensive educational opportunities. There are over 100 graduate course offerings in the CEE department, and this does not even count the thousands of courses offered across campus. Our Environmental and Water Resources program has a very active student body that have regular social gatherings and club activities.

Virginia Tech’s main campus is located in the vibrant town of Blacksburg, VA, which sits within the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of Southwest Virginia and is regularly ranked among the country’s best places to live. Blacksburg offers the benefits of a small urban community with easy access to outdoor recreation that provides unmatched beauty for any mountain lover. There are a myriad of tasty restaurants, an active nightlife, and plenty of opportunities to explore local culture, music, art, and sports. Hiking, mountain biking, and kayaking are minutes away.

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